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Another day wasted out of time, I can't get out of this
Altered state of mind, I'm going overboard
My conscience meets decline into reality
I know this can't be fine

'Cause I'm all messed up
Making perfect nonsense
Drowning in my doubt, too well
'Cause I'm all messed up
Going nowhere fast
But circles in my mind, so blind

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Who are these voices in my head, I can't go on like this?
Living like the dead, I haven't slept so long
Feeling sad I dread, I'm talking to myself
Forgot what I just said

'Cause I'm all messed up
Making prefect nonsense
Drowning in my doubt, too well
'Cause I'm all messed up
Going nowhere fast
But circles in my mind, so blind

Well, I hold my only enemy
As closely as a friend
Then I sold my own reality
To further my descent
Self-destruction taking over
It's so easy to pretend
Introduction to this nightmare
That now seems may never end

Can anyone help me drag my heels, I'm running overtime?
I can't hold down my meals, my mind is racing by
Staring blankly feels like pulling out my teeth
While this engine winds

'Cause I'm all messed up
Making prefect nonsense
Drowning in my doubt, too well
'Cause I'm all messed up
Going nowhere fast
But circles in my mind, so blind

Writer(s): Greig Nori, Deryck Whibley, Dave Baksh

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