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I close my eyes and I keep seeing things
Rainbow waterfalls
Sunny liquid dream

Confusion creeps inside me raining doubt
Got to get to you, but I don't know how

Kontynuacja tekstu utworu poniżej...

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Call me, call me
Let me know it's alright
Call me, call me
Don't you think it's 'bout time
Please won't you call and ease my mind
Reasons for me to find you
Peace of mind
What can I do to get me to you?

I had your number quite some time ago
Back when we were one, but I had to grow

Ten thousand years I've searched it seems and now
Gotta get to you, won't you tell me how?

Call me, call me
Let me know you are there
Call me, call me
I wanna know you still care
Come on now won't you ease my mind
Reasons for me to find you
Peace of mind
What can I do to get me to you?

Come on now won't you ease my mind
Reasons for me to find you (for me to find you)
Peace of mind (peace)
Reasons for living my life (living my)
Ease my mind (won't you ease it, ease it, ease it my mind?)
Reasons for me to know you (for me to know you)
Ease my mind
What can I do to get me to you?

Writer(s): Yoko Kanno, Tim Jensen

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