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All I've known
All I've known
All I've known
Is that there is an end
Then you can begin again
Day, everyday
I had a dream
That the sea was helpless
The crowd was loud
I went to leave

Can I come to your house?
Caught in the ropes and the wires
The sun settles hard in the south
Winter lives in my bones

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When you awake you're alone

You say: "Is this a war?"
Hardly, and then you hit a wall
Honestly, you want to know but you can't
I believe, I want to believe, in anything

Can I come to your house?
I'm caught in the ropes and the wires
The sun settles hard in the south
Winter lives in my bones

It's all I've ever known

Writer(s): Amy Millan, Patrick Mcgee, Evan Cranley, Christopher Seligman, Torquil Campbell

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