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I'm fading out of you not around
I don't blame you now
I'm safe and sound
Safe and sound

You're seeking distance to get you out
Your doubts and fears will take you down-down and down
You make yourself look so proud
Around-around your fate will see you drown

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It's better with with time and you're right
It still shines
We're getting out again around-around
We're getting out again around

(It's better now you're not in there)

You're head is shut all of the way
It's too much for me to say
Regret won't go away-away

It's better with with time and you're right
It still shines
We're getting out again around-around
We're getting out again around

Better with everything

Writer(s): Roberto Martinez-cowles, Tom Davies, Aaron Black, Oliver Bowles, Jacob Reid

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