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Standing on a mountain top
She's looking to the sea above her
Dream within a dream
And it twice removes her will to wonder

I'm home, my soul, my soul, newborn baby cries

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Stepping off this mortal coil will be my pleasure
Giving the gift that giving brings to be my pleasure

Sitting in a room of wood
Rainbows pouring through the laughter
Dream within a dream
It recalls the sound of younger laughter

I'm home, my soul, my soul, newborn baby cry

Stepping off this mortal coil will be my pleasure
Giving the gift that giving brings to be my pleasure

Stepping off this mortal coil
Stepping off this mortal coil
Stepping off this mortal coil
Stepping off this mortal coil
Stepping off this mortal coil
Stepping off this mortal coil

Writer(s): Alan Parsons, Eric Norman Woolfson

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