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Give me all your love now
'Cause for all we know
We might be dead by tomorrow

I can't go on wasting my time
Adding scars to my heart
'Cause all I hear is "I'm not ready enough"

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And I can tell that you didn't have
To face your mother losing her lover
Without saying goodbye
Without saying goodbye
'Cause she didn't have time

I don't want to judge what's in your heart
But if you're not ready for love
How can you be ready for life?
How can you be ready for life?

So let's love fully and let's love loud
And let's love now
'Cause soon enough we'll die
'Cause soon enough we'll die
'Cause soon enough we'll die
'Cause soon enough we'll die
'Cause soon enough we'll die
'Cause soon enough we'll die

Writer(s): Stephanie Sokolinski

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