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Look through the magazines and books, saving all I find
I can't forget you (on the motorbike)?
All choked up, I can't speak
Thinking of you
Imagination can't be so cruel

If all that I do
And I won't let you know it all
Let you hear it loud
Would you _____ to see if you could just believe it

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I kept my closed to see you, but you can see me too
Baked in blue light for many moons
My eyes, my mom(??), fingers crossed don't let me down
I hope to meet you somehow

If all that I do
And I will let you know it all
Let you hear it loud
Would you _____ to see if you could just believe it

Writer(s): Mcmillen Scott Kakcek, Cullen Mitchell Omori, Cameron Mccourt Omori

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