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I'm out here in all of the honky-tonks
I'm finding out all of my dos and don'ts
The last shot I took it, went straight to my head
Now I'm out here dancing with you
I'm not home instead

I don't want your silver dollar
I don't want your wedding ring
All that I want is a place I can come to
To give away the love I have inside of me

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Everything in life, it comes back full circle
So don't do something to someone you don't want done to you
Oh, no, no, it ain't funny
Bread, bread, bread, we all need that money

I don't want your silver dollar, no
I don't want your wedding ring
All that I want is a place to surrender
All of the love I have inside of me
All of the love I have inside of me
All of the love I have inside of me

Writer(s): Sierra Ferrell

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