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Music is the soothing saint
Use me to feel all your pain
I'm all yours
Music, I'm your dearest friend
I'm here when there's nothing left
I'm your score

These syllables are daffodils and dollar bills
From the bottom of my heart to you, poor soul
And with each note, you'll know
With each chord, each crescendo
Yeah, I won't let you down, we're together now

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Music, I'll be your retreat
Come now, you'll be safe with me
I'm your warmth

These syllables are daffodils and dollar bills
From the bottom of my heart to you, poor soul
And with each note, you'll know
With each chord, each crescendo
No, I won't let you down, we're together now

And in this symphony
I'll hold you close to me
Like string to bow
We vibrato

These miracles aren't daffodils and dollar bills
From the bottom of my heart to you, poor soul
And with each note, you'll know
With each chord, each crescendo
See, I won't let you down, we're together now

Writer(s): Christopher Braide, Sia Kate Furler

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