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New decade, new chapter are we falling for a trick?
Or is this the beginning of the rapture?
2020 now the visions clear, took my glasses off this one
Seeing through a lens as I stare at my reality
(My reality?)

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Ask myself yo is this even real?
(Is this real?)
But I certainly I feel and yeah I'm feeling this one
Had to take 2 seconds, 3rd eye showed me a few lessons
I no longer care about the questions but I still watch where I'm stepping
Life is what I'm repping
Cause this life is a blessing

We still take life in a second
Forgetting that change is the essence and its changing every instant
Forever getting closer and further from the distance

So why we ain't focused in the present!?
Why we stressing? Who taught us these programs?
Where did we pick up these behaviors?
What happens When you lock you up and they call you crazy?

How? when they made me
But I now make me
And they can't break me I'm still searching for my souls salvation
Becoming my greatest

And Yes we are the great ones the ones that they hate on
True say that's the Ying and the Yang (ah)
You choose who's part of your clan?
Are you really willing to die for your ideas?
Is your mind clear?
Why don't you live for them?

But is it wrong that you sin for them?
Who's really forgiven then?
Best forgive yourself
And understand everyone's a stoic
(Not everyone)

But if know it then you know it
If not go learn it take what's relevant prevail we are heaven sent
Walking round like sheep when we're royalty

Conformed to a system trapped up in a prison who's really trapped up who's the victim?
I guess only a few of you will listen
And get back up on your mission

Go out and go and get it anything you vision
See it and beLIEve it still watch out for the lies in the middle
No need to hit you with no riddle
You Overstand it that's fantastic

Now take into action
Time to get cracking see the patterns and then create them
Learn to destroy when the time has come
It's its apart of the cycle destruction and creation

Destroy negative thoughts manifest energy and create it
Its all up to you what you making
Just remember It's a Wave Pon Waves and when I say that

I mean that this life is a Wave and its a Pon Waves and that's why I manifest and create man Joey had to get his Focusrite and perfect my Crystal flow
I'm just having a free thought as I day dream bout being overseas

If you know me g just listed of the tracks of my Anima Mundi EP
Translates to soul of the world
Ahh I see is this your souls that showing me?

Writer(s): Joseph Evans

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