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Stranger kisses and pixie dust
Crazy nights that's filled with lust
I don't know you, and really don't care, 'cause
I'm never really aware, and
Girls like guys who's ripped in buff, and
Guys like girls who have big butts, and
Girls are sad all of the time, 'cause
Good guys are so hard to find

So why not, go out and make a scene

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Live it up, it' saturday night, so let's
Puke our guts and start some fights, it's
Side-effects of teen idleness, so
Adulthood is one big mess
They say I'm a big partymachine, and
And all my friends say i get so mean, but
What do they know, they're just all obsessed, because
Life's no answers, just one big mess

So why not, go out and make a scene
So why not, go out and make a scene

So don't complain, complain, complain
Just do something, something, something
We're giving up on all our dreams, so

Why not go out, and make a scene

So don't complain, complain, complain
Just do something, something, something
We're giving up on all our dreams, so

Why not go out, and make a scene

So why not go out, and make a scene

Writer(s): Nick Sylvester, Shamir Bailey

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