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Raindrops falling on my head
I ask myself, did they want to fall
Or did they feel sad
Are they tears of heaven?

Raindrop you are a teardrop
I know, you know and God does too
Raindrop you are a teardrop
An angel cried for you too

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Tears of heaven when angels cry
Heavens tears - I'll pray that they'll go by
Tears of heaven make me sad heavens tears
Angels always cry for you and me

Raindrop how do you feel?
Sad as the angels who cried you?
Raindrops - because of me?
Please forgive me, I pray

After many days of drought
You are a welcome friend
You refresh, give future and promises
More than most anyone sees

Raindrop you are a teardrop
I know, you know and God does too
Raindrop you are a teardrop
An angel cried for you too

Writer(s): Herbie Langhans, William Hieb

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