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The trail of blood dropping from your skin
Left me standing by your doorstep, endless misery
The scars of every word come in-between
Underneath the surface, the silent melody

Try to fill the void, the incomplete
The first of thousand movements, echoes of a sin
The living proof of mankind once redeemed
The past condemned us all to eternal suffering

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I watched as we sinked
As we drowned in this ocean of fake sympathy
Find me at the bottom if something persists
Hope is an illusion for the optimistic

I can't see the light, inside the void we're blind
I'm bursting open, now I'm bursting open
We are not an exception, turning hope to deception
I'm bursting open

I can't see the light, inside the void we're blind
I'm bursting open, now I'm bursting open
We are not an exception, turning hope to deception
I'm bursting open now

I watched as we sinked
As we drowned in this ocean of fake sympathy
Find me at the bottom if something persists
Hope is an illusion for the optimistic

I can't see the light, inside the void we're blind
I'm bursting open, now I'm bursting open
We are not an exception, turning hope to deception
I'm bursting open

I can't see the light, inside the void we're blind
I'm bursting open, now I'm bursting open
We are not an exception, turning hope to deception
I'm bursting open now

Now (I'm bursting open)

Writer(s): Juliano Ribeiro

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