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Satan sleeps inside my brain
And when he wakes he takes me far away
He takes me to this place
That I completely hate
Where I'm a prisoner in my own body

And I cannot escape, I'm just a rat in a maze
And he sleeps less and less with the the days coming
So I just beg and beg
I'm crawling on my knees
Depart from me
But he won't

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The ocean isn't any louder while the city sleeps
We just aren't there to wash it out when we're occupied with dreams
A good friend once told me that darkness only confirms what we cannot see
Well I sunk underground and I'm laughing now
'Cause I finally understand what it means
I understand

This is me
This is my disease
So take your mud and water
Please let me see
I don't know, no, no, what I believe
But if you really loved me
You'd set me free

I need to know I can but when I let my head fall
I see I'm walking on nothing but clay
I need to leave you behind, conduct a cut and run
Just like my father before me
You little serpent, little cancer, little poison, little death
You are my worst at its best
You are a dirty dog in this field of flowers
What is a thief to do with nothing left to steal?

There's a war inside my head
A brilliant display of death
Even with the chemicals gone
There's still blood everywhere
A friend says send yourself back home
And heal your deepest wounds
And if the scars they leave can't be ignored, remember none of this is real
What a simple solution to prescribe when you aren't haunted like house
I'll perch the universe atop my shoulders, it wouldn't even cast a shadow now
I've got a mountain to move

Writer(s): Kyle Hernan Soto

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