
  • Czas trwania


Lovin' - livin'

Crazy - sober

Your mind is a part of this game

Livin' - dyin'

Laughin' - cryin'

A mixture of pleasure and pain

Wanna stay alive?

This is an easy way to die

Walking on the line

Even the best sometimes fail this test

The king is dead/x4

Go in - jump up

Turn right - speed up

Quickly deciding your fate

Drivin' - faster

Climbin' - higher

Movie of life's being made

Wanna stay alive?

Your primal instincts - your only creed

You're the last in line

A moment of hesistation's all you need

And king is dead…

Voice: Oh, mountains high, why do we challange you?

Risk and death always go together here

The hardest thing is to tear down the wall of fear

Hundreds will fall but the others will go through

At the top or

At the bottom

Your ride seems to never end



No one but you understands

Wanna stay alive?

Your primal instincts - your only creed

You're the last in line

A moment of hesistation's all you need

The king is dead

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