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How does it feel babe
To taste sweet revenge?
Do you want me on my knees?
How does it feel babe
To let me feel your strength?
Don't be cruel, can't you see?

If you don't catch me now
I can't stop falling down
Just one more night and the devil got my soul
I need your love babe, don't tell me "No way"
Babe, I miss you so much more than words can say

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How does it feel babe
To kill our destiny?
I swear I'm not gonna crawl, oh no
How does it feel babe
To make a fool out of me?
How can you be so cold?
Be so cold

If you don't catch me now
I can't stop falling down
Just one more night and the devil got my soul
I need your love babe, don't treat me this way
Ooh I miss you, I miss you

Baby our love's got what it takes
To give us one more chance to start
Once again
Baby our love will find a way
As long as we believe in love

If you don't catch me now
I can't stop falling down
Just one more night and the devil got my soul
I need your love babe, don't leave me this way
Ooh I miss you, I miss you

Baby our love's got what it takes
To give us one more chance to start
Once again
Baby our love will find a way
As long as we believe in love
As long as we believe (we believe)

Baby our love's got what it takes
To give us one more chance to start
Once again
Baby our love will find a way
As long as we believe in love

Baby our love's got what it takes
To give us one more chance to start
Once again
Baby our love will find a way
As long as we believe in love

Baby our love's got what it takes
To give us one more chance to start

Writer(s): Klaus Meine, Rudolf Schenker

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