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This is year zero
All we knew has died
The mutiny came so sudden
Killing yesterday

Thoughts that forced discordance away
Once more an era is fading
Whatever dreams we're reaching to claim
Decides the path we are taking

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Gone forever
We are done with world views mechanical
None shall, none shall ever be a slave
To thoughts inside their heads

Mind is the master
This structure remained untrodden
A new reality

Gone forever
We are done with world views mechanical
None shall, none shall ever be a slave
To thoughts inside their heads

Gone forever
We are done with world views mechanical
None shall, none shall ever be a slave
To thoughts inside their heads

Bleeding through all spheres
All our thoughts, all our fears
Gaining life, soul, mind, heart
Feeding starts now
Rising from ashen dust
Through our sins, karmic cost
Measured souls, weigh our hearts
Judge our thoughts, no

Thoughts that forced discordance away
Once more an era is fading
Whatever dreams we're reaching to claim
Decides the path we are taking

Gone forever
We are done with world views mechanical
None shall, none shall ever be a slave
To thoughts inside their heads

Gone forever
We are done with world views mechanical
None shall, none shall ever be a slave
To thoughts inside their heads

Writer(s): Jonas Per Kjellgren, Henrik Carl Ohlsson, Per Fredrik Nilsson, Christian Gunnar Aelvestam, Kenneth Per Erik Seil

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