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First time we kissed I had a feeling
Now I only get it when I'm dreaming
What you say and what you do used to make me wanna be something
But now your words to me mean nothing

Is there method to madness
I move to you like a magnet

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I keep an eye on our planets
You retrograde when I'm static
Alchemy is what you do when you think you're gonna lose me
I'm check-a-checking out
I'm freaking out now, about you

Maybe we can be magic
Stuck in emotional traffic
Is this some kind of magic
I'm a sucker for your tricks

Is there method to madness
I move to you like a magnet
Maybe we can be magic
I'm a just a sucker for your tricks

I'm just a sucker for your tricks
Is this some kind of magic

Na na na na
Na na na na

First time we kissed I had a feeling
Now I only get it when I'm dreaming
What you say and what you do used to make me wanna be something
But now your words to me mean nothing

Writer(s): Scarlett Stevens, Joshua Domenico Biondillo, Jordi James Davieson, Steven John Schram

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