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I'm not running away from this part of me
And I'm not falling away now, I still believe
That I'm not closer to killing
And I won't change
There's still worth on the willing
The darkest range

You'll never take me alive
I'm not hiding from this
I'm fighting with this beast inside
Will it ever die?
Will it ever leave me alone?
Leave me alone

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I know I can control it, the things I see
And I've lost all of the anger inside of me
And I'll get closer to living another way
There's no help for the hunted
Give me one more day

You'll never take me alive
I'm not hiding from this
I'm fighting with this beast inside
Will it ever die?
Will it ever leave me alone?

I won't break this time I promise you
I won't break this time I'll find my way

You'll never take me alive
I'm not hiding from this
I'm fighting with this beast inside
Will it ever die?
Will it ever leave me alone?
Leave me alone

Writer(s): Adam Gontier, Michael J. Mushok Jr., Keith Wallen

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