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Walk by the man who sings a song
To the streetlights
And turns out everybody claps
They don't believe in cabs
They don't believe in cabs
They don't believe in cabs
They don't believe in cabs

And they all go wild
But they walk instead
They all go wild
They walk instead
They all go wild

Kontynuacja tekstu utworu poniżej...

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Now, talk to the man
Who's laying down
By the door of a bank
And people don't rely
On the traffic lights
They don't believe in lights
They don't believe in lights
They don't believe in lights
They don't believe
It's a confusing situation
They all get run over in
Petrol stations but they rock
But they rock, but they rock, but they rock
And there are faces on the six AM
Working crowds who take the subway
From their homes to their lonely nights

Walk by the man who sings a song
To the streetlights
And turns out everybody claps
They don't believe in cabs
They don't believe in

Walk by the man who sings a song
To the streetlights
And turns out everybody claps
They don't believe in cabs
They don't believe in cabs
Don't believe in cabs

Walk by the man who sings a song
To the streetlights
And turns out everybody claps
They don't believe in

Writer(s): Lourdes Hernandez Gonzalez, Fernando Vacas Navarro

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