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Miles from the surface and I ride out and weather the war
In a tin submarine where the seams couldn't hold back the shore

On a bed made of "what have you done?"
Tone-deaf with a headache for one
Back to the water below
I'm alone, as I float like a stone

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Sinking to the bottom, lost but not forgotten
Down I go again, heart swinging like a punch bag
Waiting on you to pull me through
Washing off the soft soaps, sleeping on a tightrope
Everything to prove, got nothing left to use
Want the truth? I need you
To pull me through

Far out of reach and a thread from coming undone
Frayed as I pray, disarray's had its day in the sun

On a bed made of "what have you done?"
Tone-deaf with a headache for one
Back to the water below
I'm alone, as I float like a stone

Sinking to the bottom, lost but not forgotten
Down I go again, heart swinging like a punch bag
Waiting on you to pull me through
Washing off the soft soaps, sleeping on a tightrope
Everything to prove, got nothing left to use
Want the truth? I need you
To pull me through

So won't you pull me through?
So won't you pull me, won't you pull me through?
Through, through
Won't you pull me, won't you pull me through?

On a bed made of "what have you done?"
Tone-deaf with a headache for one
Back to the water below
I'm alone, as I float like a stone

Writer(s): Michael James Kerr, Benjamin Peter Thatcher

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