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So I guess I've had enough of waiting
Got to go
The night is up, I see the dawn is breaking
But there's nowhere I can go

I don't know what to get, I don't know
I don't see where it's at, I don't know
I just left what is was right, I don't know
Painted black what was white, I don't know

Kontynuacja tekstu utworu poniżej...

Nie chcesz oglądać reklam? Ulepsz teraz

Now I'm living in the land of promise
Did not know
Your fake is real and my deceit is honest
But there's nowhere I can go

Writer(s): Krischan Jan Eric Wesenberg, Rascal Udo Hueppe, Gunther Gerl

Nie chcesz oglądać reklam? Ulepsz teraz

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