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secret heart
what are you made of?
what are you so afraid of?
could it be three simple words
or the fear of being overheard?
what's wrong?
let her in on your secret heart

secret heart
why so mysterious?
why so secret, why so serious?
maybe you're just acting tough
maybe you're just not man enough
what's wrong?
let her in on your secret heart.

Kontynuacja tekstu utworu poniżej...

Nie chcesz oglądać reklam? Ulepsz teraz

the very secret you're trying to conceal
is the very same one you're dying to reveal
go tell her how you feel

secret heart,
come out and share it
this loneliness, few can bear it
could it have something to do with
admitting that you just can't go through it alone?
let her in on your secret heart.

Writer(s): Ronald Eldon Sexsmith

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