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Words of mine and songs must fail
But this oath binds us both
Now let us be
Like the solitary rose
Now have us drown
In truth's garment of sound

And how strange to be here
Atop your floating bridges
Now we shall dive for abalone
You carry peaches and sugar
Still wrapped in the foliage
Of distant shores
A seafarer's trade
An angry sacrifice made

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This flight has now binder
What anger blinded
There is no rest yet
We strip each word bare
With the tenderest of care
And as your mouth longs for tears
My heart still flows toward you
Is it our calling
To live in peace with virtuous friends
Or to sleep inside
The cannon's mouth?

I know that words of mine
And songs must fail
But this oath binds us both
For we have a pact of blood
With the sun
For we have a pact of blood
With the sun

Writer(s): Jérôme Reuter

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