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I heard the sound of the church at six
I fell among the cooling bricks
All the tall trees were still lining the avenue
Hanging there
Like old friends do, bystanding quietly
Had the game lost its spark?
Evening star, right on cue

Still in a solid state
Still in a solid state for so long
Night train passing over
And the sound kept on ringing 'round

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I went the long way, I would be vindicated
I kept my head down, two eyes on the paving
Caught in a necktie, a lifestyle in single file
A river of brake lights to opposite lifts
And opposite lofts

Still in a solid state
Still in a solid state for so long
Night train passing over
And the sound kept on ringing round

World A.D.
You walk past the wall you first kissed her against
How could you forget?
While the sirens howled and the wind caressed
Under jacaranda
Beneath the burnt-out moon
Or was it over there?
Did it ever matter in the first place?
Does she still think about it now and then?
In her air conditioned home
On her air conditioned street
In an air conditioned city

Writer(s): Francis Keaney, Thomas Russo, Marcel Tussie, Joseph Clement Russo, Joseph White

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