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Night after night, day after day
I pass by the house that once was my home
I'm lookin' for something to knock out the lights
'Til the sun comes up shining like new
The chill in my bones just reminds me that life isn't fair
And nobody cares
About lost souls surviving on hard knocks and vice
In a world just as nasty as your world is nice, baby blue

You don't know how much I hate everything about you
Your honey red lips and your eyes big and sparkling blue
The curve of your hips and your black Irish hair
Sends a shiver that runs through me too
You don't know how much I hate you
I wish it was true

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You were kind to my mother, you were good to my friends
You were passionate, faithful and strong
I must have been sleeping, it feels like a dream
And I can't say just where I went wrong

Like a dog in the garbage with rocks in my head
I'm strung out and crazy, I can't find the thread runnin' through

You don't know how much I hate everything about you
Your voice like good bourbon, so elegant, tasteful and smooth
With a flick of a match, I could burn down this house
Takin' every last memory of you
You don't know how much I hate you

You don't know how much I hate you
You don't know how much I hate you
I wish it was true

Writer(s): Rodney Crowell, Steve Lukather

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