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So, I'm an orphan now, out here on my own
And it's hard to know where I belong
It comes as no surprise, it happens to us all
Just like the sun will rise, night will fall

I know love is all I need
I know love is all I need
I know love is all I need
That's all I know

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An image I recall, a picture on the wall
Of my mother on her wedding day
A young and naive nothing up her sleeve
But the things that just got lost along the way

And I know love is all I need
I know love is all I need
I know love is all I need
That's all I know

And there's a voice I hear, it comes in loud and clear
It's my father's voice teaching me
He says, "To be a man, you've got to be true to your word
And when you make a stand, you'll be heard"

And I know love is all I need
I know love is all I need
I know love is all I need
That's all I know

I can see it in my children
I can feel it with my wife
And I know it with these friends I have
So important to my life

I had a dream last night, I saw my mom and dad
They were happy now and I was glad
They had a brand-new house that they'd just moved in
And when I awoke, they were gone again

But I know love is all I need
I know love is all I need
I know love is all I need
That's all I know

Writer(s): Rodney Crowell

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