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Carry me
Preach today
To your advantage please
But when you insist on more
And when I stare at the floor
I'll do it convincingly

Do this if not I'll fade
Buried inside the shade
Colors that soon recede
From innocence
How do you plead?
Oh yes, and instantly

Kontynuacja tekstu utworu poniżej...

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'Cause baby it's a free way
Where nothing can destroy you
I won't say what I should say
I'm crawling out for miles under the skin

I'm crawling out for miles again
All smiles again
I'm sure

'Cause baby it's a free way
Where nothing can destroy you
I won't say what I should say
I'm crawling out for miles under the skin

I'm crawling out for miles again
All smiles again
I'm sure

Writer(s): Robert Pollard Jr

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