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Travel on so
Sometimes you feel lonely
People come and they go
It's you and you only
There's a river in my heart
There's a river in my mind
It's been there from the start
Take a look and you will find
Sail away, sail away
Sail away on a river of soul
Sail away, just sail away
Sail away on a river of soul
The power of soul
Will never misguide you
It can make you feel whole
Even when you're being lied to
There's a river in my heart
There's a river in my mind
It's been there from the start
Take a look and you will find
Just sail away on a river of soul
Sail away, just sail away
Sail away on a river of soul
The power of soul
Is waiting inside you
With love as your goal
It won't be denied you
There's a river in my heart
There's a river in my mind
It's been there from the start
Take a look and you will find
Sail away, sail away
Sail away on a river of soul
Sail away, just sail away
Sail away on a river of soul
Sail away, just sail away
Sail away on a river of soul
Sail away, just sail away
Sail away on a river of soul, brother

Writer(s): Robben L. Ford, Danny Flowers

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