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I had love all around me
Now i'm all alone
I was lost and someone found me
Now i'm all alone
That I could make you want me again
I would really change

You gave me all that I needed
Still I wanted more
So many wrongs I repeated
Now you closed the door
That I could make you want me again
I would really change

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All of my pride is gone
Standing alone in the darkness
With nothing, but bitter memories

With a full moon up above me
That I cannot touch
Just like the one who used to love me
Now I need her so much
That I could make you want me again
I would really change, really change

All of my pride is gone
Standing alone in the darkness
With nothing, but bitter memories

With a full moon up above me
That I cannot touch
Just like the one who used to love me
Now I need her so much
That I could make you want me again
I would really change
That I could make you want me again
I would really change
That I could make you want me again

Writer(s): Robben L. Ford

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