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I wanna fly
I wanna feel my life
Still belongs to me
No matter what
I wanna fly
I wanna flap my wings
And cause hurricane in your heart
In your heart
Better lies than hate
But I can't pretend anymore
I'm tired of suppressing all of my needs
I want to belong to the cloudless sky
Not to the shaded ground
Not to the shaded ground

But it's so hard to admit
That I lived without your light
Trying not to believe that I need it more
Now the bleeding won't stop
For I struggled through the barbed wire
Trying not to believe that I need your love
Trying not to believe in love

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I wanted to turn into a butterfly
But I couldn't trust you enough

I was tired of suppressing all of my needs
I wanted to belong to the cloudless sky
Not to the shaded ground
Not to the shaded ground

But it's so hard to admit
That I lived without your light
Trying not to believe that I need it more
Now the bleeding won't stop
For I struggled through the barbed wire
Trying not to believe that I need your love
Trying not to believe in love
But it cut me now

Writer(s): Piotr Kozieradzki, Piotr Grudzinski, Michal Lapaj, Mariusz Duda

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