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The pain
A cataclysmic dawn
We trusted

But something has gone wrong
We bought in
But woke to find it gone
Impact in 5-4-3-2

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For fallout
The radiation creeps
On cats feet

We scatter in the streets
She asked me
"Do you think its safe to breathe?"
It doesn't look that way to me

We stormed the gates
And raised new flags
But it's just the same old story
We seized the throne

We should have burned it to the ground
Some might say we've lost our way
But I believe we've not gone far enough

We cower
To interests not our own
The power
To free or to control

We let it slip through
Our fingers to the floor
Watch as the bodies wash ashore
Nobody lives here anymore

We stormed the gates
And raised new flags
But it's just the same old story
We seized the throne

We should have burned it to the ground
Some might say we've lost our way
But I believe we've not gone far enough

How long will we fall for this?
How long will we fall for this?
How long will we fall for this?
How long will we fall...?
How long will we fall for this?
How long will we fall for this?
How long will we fall for this?
How long? How long?

We stormed the gates
And raised new flags
But it's just the same old story
We seized the throne
We should have burned it to the ground
Some might say we've lost our way
But I believe we've not gone far enough

Writer(s): Brandon Barnes, Zach Blair, Timothy Mcilrath, Joseph Principe

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