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This whiskey got me feeling pretty
So, pardon if I'm impolite
I just really need your - with me
I'm sorry 'bout the other night
And I know I could be more creative
And come up with poetic lines
But I'm turned up upstairs and I love you
Is the only thing that's in my mind

You take me higher
Higher than I've ever been, babe
Just come over, let's pour a drink, babe
I hope I ain't calling you too late, too late

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You light my fire
Let's stay up late, and smoke a J
I wanna go back to the old way
But I'm drunk instead with a full ashtray
With a little bit too much to say

Writer(s): James Edward Fauntleroy Ii, Badriia Ines Bourelly, Kenneth Gamble, Robyn R. Fenty, Ernest Dion Wilson, Leon Huff, Jerry Butler

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