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I wish I could do something about my bad behavior
And start treating all you people like I know I should
I wish I could be good and believe something greater
Something to remind me to do the best that I could

I wish I could do something about my bad behavior
I wish I could do something about my bad behavior

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I have a bad conscience for being such an asshole
And I spend a lot of time wondering what's wrong with me
I wish I had a gut to say that I'm sorry

I wish I had a gut I wish I was braver
And tell all you people that I will be better
And stop my acting like a drunken sailor
I'm gonna do something about my bad behavior

I got no more excueses for my bad behavior
And all the shit that I've done and all the shit I didn't do

I wish I had a gut I wish I was braver
And tell all you people that I will be better
Haven't had a good guy I'm an absolute failure
I'm gonna do something about my bad behavior

Bad behavior
Bad behavior

I promise i'll be good at least I'm gonna be trying
I promise I'd be true at least I won't be lying
Gotta stop my acting like a drunken sailor
I'm gonna do something about my bad behavior

I wish I could do something about my bad behavior
(I wish I could do something about my bad behavior)
I wish I could do something about my bad behavior

Writer(s): Trond Andreassen, Christian Hovden Bloom

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