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Like in the hall of mirrors, you look different today
He saw you coming out of Etam and it struck him how you'd changed
Was it that you looked slimmer? Or had you dyed your hair?
As you were feigning your indifference, making out like you didn't care

He never contemplated bumping in to you
How's your mother now? What you been up to?
Just to see you sets him off
A chance encounter with someone he loved so dearly

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Although it left him bitter, he still fancies you
Although he's been around a bit since, nobody does it like you do
He tells you you look fitter than when he saw you last
There's still a something there between you, despite the months that's passed

He never contemplated bumping in to you
How's your mother now and what you been up to?
Just to see you sets him off
A chance encounter with someone he loved so dearly

And you didn't take no cajoling, and then you were rolling around on his living room floor
Once he'd been in your knickers, the lies and the bickers didn't matter so much anymore

And I've often heard it said that you can't be friends once you've been to bed
And just to see you sets me off
A chance encounter with someone I loved so dearly

A free ride on a guilt trip
A free ride on a guilt trip
A free ride on a guilt trip
A free ride on a guilt trip
A free ride on a guilt trip
A free ride on a guilt trip
A free ride on a guilt trip
A free ride on a guilt trip

Writer(s): Jon Mcclure

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