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Poverty upon this world
The system has failed
Wars on profit, TV crimes
The system has failed
Epidemic diseases
The system has failed
Average unemployment
The system has failed
Nature strikes back
The system has failed
Exploiting nature
The system has failed
Daily air pollution
The system has failed
Greenhouse effect goes on
The system has failed

Child abuse increases
The system has failed
Violence unrestrained
The system has failed
Drug addictions
The system has failed
Stress related overdose
The system has failed

Kontynuacja tekstu utworu poniżej...

Nie chcesz oglądać reklam? Ulepsz teraz

System has failed, system has failed

So why do we look away
And accept the system how it is
Why do you look away
And go numb another day

System has failed

So why don't we fight against
That system that has failed
Why don't you vote against
And try to get a change... a change

Right wing (politics) grows strong
The system has failed
Society's blind
The system has failed
Once said: never again
Nothing's learned, nothing's done
The system has failed

Writer(s): Philipp Klauser, Ralph Inderbitzin, Ralph Inderbitzen, Michi Kuster, Reto Crola, Phil Klauser, Ralf Winzer

Nie chcesz oglądać reklam? Ulepsz teraz

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