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When everything we felt fails
then some music, soft and distant. sails
But it don't sound like it did before
then I know that I'm left with nothing more
Then my... own... soul

When pretty pictures face back
but your coats aren't hanging on the rack
And blue water turns to
a place that I can't get to
A place... that I... can't

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In a room all I feel
is the cold that you left
Through the air all I see
is your face full of blame

What's left to see?
What's there to see?

(Slide solo)

In the room all I feel
is the cold that you left
Through the air all I see
is your face full of blame

What's left to see?
What's left to see?
What's left to see?
What's left to see?

Writer(s): Mark Edward Kozelek

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