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Same old story, same old song
Goes all right till it goes all wrong
Now you're going, then you're gone
Same old story, same old song

Same old story, same old song
Goes all right till it goes all wrong
Now you're going, then you're gone
Same old story, same old song

Kontynuacja tekstu utworu poniżej...

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One hand will take, one hand will give
That's all we know, that is how we live
One day hello, the next day goodbye
And everyone just stays high

Same old story, same old song
Goes all right till it goes all wrong
Now you're going, then you're gone
Same old story, same old song

One builds you up, one tears you down
To some you're a saint, to others you're a clown
What can you do but just see it through
And hold on to what is left of you?

Same old story, same old song
Goes all right till it goes all wrong
Now you're going, then you're gone
Same old story, same old song

One builds you up, one tears you down
To some you're a saint, to others you're a clown
What can you do? Just go on and see it through
And hold on to what is left of you, yeah

Same old story, same old song
It goes all right till it goes all wrong
Now you're going, then you're gone
Same old story, same old song, yeah

Same old story, same old song
Goes all right till it goes all wrong
Now you're going, then you're gone
Same old story

Writer(s): Will Jennings, Joe Sample

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