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Far away and feeling sober,
I can keep you closer,
A static constant in my mind
Conscious cards are the table,
Our house is so unstable,
but I'm not leaving you behind

Into the unknown
For now we'll keep it at that,
A little silence takes me back,
To where I feel home
Remember what we've done there,
A place where I can rest my bones

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Going, going, gone,
You're moving away from me,
but I feel you closer,
I feel you closer
Going, going, gone,
Whatever is left of me
Will keep me closer to you
I feel closer, closer, closer, to you
I feel closer, closer, closer, to you

A little give and take,
It's never bound to break,
The kind of closeness that we keep
A bond invisible,
Beyond the physical,
As I let you slip away

Going, going, gone,
You're moving away from me,
but I feel you closer,
I feel you closer
Going, going, gone,
Whatever is left of me
Will keep me closer to you
I feel closer, closer, closer, to you
I feel closer, closer, closer, to you

I feel (closer) miles away, (closer) from being here,
Now is not the time to break away yet
Miles away, for being near, now is not the time
Into the unknown, to where I feel home
Into the unknown!
Going, going, gone,
You're moving away from me,
but I feel you closer,
I feel you closer
Going, going, gone,
Whatever is left of me
Will keep me closer to you
I feel closer, closer, closer, to you
I feel closer, closer, closer, to you

I feel (closer) miles away, (closer) from being here, (closer)
Now is not the time to break away yet
Miles away, (closer) for being near, now is not the time!

Writer(s): Corinne Jacqueline Bailey Rae

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