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You sat down next to me, like poetry to wine
Our window looked upon a yellow neon sign
I took your hand while you decided what to do
The only kiss I ever miss, I shared with you
The other cities hold a memory still of a place
But when I dream of London, I can only see your face

I want you
Or no one
No one else will do
You, or no one
No one is the only one
to fill the empty space I hold for you

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You simplified me down to slogans on the wall
I took offense, but you were right about them all
My friends are telling me I shouldn't waste my time
But I can't concentrate until I make you mine
I'm drawing cards and making wishes down by the well
Who would've known I'd lose myself in the old hotel

I want you
Or no one
No one else for me
You, or no one
No one else is strong enough
to slow me down in time to set me free
I want you
Or no one
No one else is fine
Oh, you, or no one
No one is the only one
to fill me up until I make you mine

Writer(s): Rachael Amanda Yamagata, Dan Wilson

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