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All the way from the front to the back of the room
All you feel from the left to the right is the boom
All the way from the front to the back of the room
All you feel from the left to the right is the boom
All the way from the front to the back of the room
All you feel from the left to the right is the boom
All the way from the front to the back of the room
Yeah yeah, pump up the volume

We are old, we are young, we are in this together
Vagabonds and children, prisoners forever
With pulses a-raging and eyes full of wonder
Kicking out behind us again

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We are old, we are young, we are in this together
Vagabonds and children, prisoners forever
With pulses a-raging and eyes full of wonder
Kicking out behind us again

We are old, we are young, we are in this together
Vagabonds and children, prisoners forever
With pulses a-raging and eyes full of wonder
Kicking out behind us again

All the way from the front to the back of the room
All you feel from the left to the right is the boom
All the way from the front to the back of the room
All you feel from the left to the right is the boom
All the way from the front to the back of the room
All you feel from the left to the right is the boom
All the way from the front to the back of the room
Yeah yeah, pump up the volume

We are old, we are young, we are in this together
Vagabonds and children, prisoners forever
With pulses a-raging and eyes full of wonder
Kicking out behind us again

Kicking out behind us again

Writer(s): Harris, Sullivan, Heaton

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