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Faded, faded
Fell from the sky below
Faded, faded
From the sky you know

Crashing through the window
Fly on the wind of my soul
Hover, hummingbird
Ufo beautiful

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Magic, electric
Raining through the sky
Raining emotion
How they bleed from my eye

Crashing though the darkness
Engraving my name on the world
Hover, hummingbird
Skies unimagined
Skies unimagined

Blind confusion in the air
But there's something there
There's something there

Faded, faded
Fell from the sky below
Faded, faded
From the sky you know

Crashing through the mirror
Fly on the wind of my soul
Hover, hummingbird
Ufo beautiful

Blinding light, winding sound
Spinning grace defies the ground
Ufo, ufo beautiful

Writer(s): Brian Rodger Mc Alpin, Buddy Howard Lackey, Daniel Wayne Rock, Norman Gaetano Leggio, Phil Cuttino

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