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"As she fell into the sensual everafter
Out of body, out of mind
He stroked her hair a hundred times
And as she fell deeper into the hypnotic unwind
He counted his way into the suggestive mind
Planting a seed that bears fruit on the tree
He said, "repeat after me, repeat after me, repeat after me
1+1+1 is 3"

Stroke your hair a hundred times
Let's see what I can find

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If you ain't got no place to stay (no place)
Come on baby 'round this way

Well, stay with me baby
But let me tell ya, let me tell you how it's gonna be

There's a theocratic order
There's a theocratic order (There's a way we gotta do things)

This is how it's gonna be
If you wanna be with me
Ain't no room for disagree (no room)
1+1+1 is 3

Take your time to think it through (think about it)
If this is what you wanna do
I ain't really that hard to please
'Cause 1+1+1 is 3

Say baby, I'm feelin' to play with my thang (play with it)
Play with it

Stroke your hair a hundred times
Let me see what I can find
Do you know about the order, now?
Do you?
Don't know nothin' 'bout that

We are the banished ones and we have come to dance
If you will not let us, we'll have to kick your pants!

Who's that knockin' on our door?
Didn't we throw you out before?
I'm 'bout to get rowdy
Look out, I'm 'bout to get rowdy, now
Make me wanna do something

We could be surrounded in the palace
(Everybody wants to get you)
I don't care

How many y'all just came to dance?
Let me see you shake your pants (shake your pants)
We don't give a duck what U got on
You just need to work that sexy body all night long
Come on

Where them banished ones at? (said they 'round the back)
Don't cut 'em no slack (I'ma tap, tap, tap)
But should I keep this party going? (Brotha you know that)
Moneyapolis, sing
"Rainbow children, raise your hand
If we can't do it, nobody can!"

Here, they come y'all
Rally 'round the palace, now
You know what we got to do
Ah, come on

How'd that fool get up in here?
Snaggle voice

Writer(s): Prince Rogers Nelson

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