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They got a ranch they call
Number 51
They got a ranch they call
Number 51

They can't see it at all
'Less your flying by
Just sitting there square
Baking in the sun

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Beneath the sky

They're gonna put it down
Right on the strip
They're gonna put it down
On the Vegas strip

They're gonna put it down
And step outside
Into the lights
Right outta that ship

Saying hi

I was driving, doing nothing on the shores of Great Salt Lake
When they put it on the air, I put it in the hammer lane
I soon forgot myeslf, and I forgot about the brake
I forgot all laws and I forgot about the rain

They were talking on the nine and all across the army band
Across the road they were turning around and headed south with me
It got so crowded on the road, I started driving in the sand
My head was feeling scared but my heart was feeling free

The desert turned to mud it seems that everybody heard
Everybody was remembering to forget they had the chills
And I heard the voices on a broadcast from up on the bird
They were getting interviewed by some goodman whose name was Bill

I'm almost there to Vegas where they're puttin' on a show
They've come so far, I've lived this long
At least I must just go and say hello

Writer(s): Charles Thompson

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