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Dark middleagess centuries of pain
The appearance of the inquisitions
Religion turned out to be insane
In these times of witch prosecutions

Tortured till confession
Await the execution
Moaning and suffering
Tormented till death on the rack

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Hundreds of them were sentenced
for perpetraiting heresy
Desperately begging for mercy
But death was only guarantee

Intense excruciation
Unmerciful cremation
Their smouldering bodies
and charred bones are left on the stake

The question of the interrogators
Extorted the false confessions
Broken upon the will they ended
Without even knowing the accusation

Limbs chopped off, viscera torn out
Mutilated venereal organs
Death in the name of the church
Decapitated or quartered

Evil exorcized
Purified flesh
Saved by the stake
Reduced to ashes

Writer(s): Marco Foddis, Martin Van Drunen, Patrick M.j. Mameli, Patrick Uterwijk

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