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Got me running, got me running
But the race, it never ends
Got me running, or else I'm done in
You got me coming as you're going
And the chase, it never ends
I'll be running 'til the second coming

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Dictator, container
Lost in a tunnel and the tunnel ain't no fun
Now I'm lost in all the shit you're flushing
Victrola, controller
Lost in the tunnel and the tunnel's getting funneled
Like the sewage in the plumbing 'cause we left the fucking water running


Got me diving, got me diving
Got me deep, I get the bends
When I'm summoned, or too late coming
You got me running, got me running
But the race, it never ends
I'm feeling done in, it's rather stunning

Dictator, container
Lost in the tunnel and the tunnel ain't no fun
Now I'm lost in all the shit you're flushing
Victrola, controller
Lost in the tunnel and the tunnel's getting funneled
Like the sewage in the plumbing 'cause we left the fucking water running

Was cleared for, for lift off
Aborted my take-off
Living in the shadows, crossing my fingers
A date with the gallows and a reprieve, not looking likely

Yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah

You got me running, you got me running
You got me running, you got me running
All clear for lift off, aborted take off
The more I have, the more I come
You wanna go? I wanna see you
Now watch me walk off, so she can fuck off

Writer(s): Michael Mccready, Matthew Cameron, Eddie Vedder, Stone Gossard, Jeffrey Ament, Andrew Watt

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