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Harness Your Hopes - BBC Evening Session January 15, 1997


Harness your hopes on just one person
You know, because a harness was only made for one
Don't telegraph your passes, you'll end up with molasses
Cauterized in syrup and syrup's not molasses

And I'm checking out the asses, the asses that attract us
To anything that moves, we're deep inside the groove
And it's time to shake the rations 'cause someone's gonna cash in
The movie starts at ten, the plot, it never ends

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Well, show me a word that rhymes with pavement
And I won't kill your parents and roast them on a spit
And don't you try to etch it or permanently sketch it
Or you're gonna catch a bad, bad cold

'Cause the freaks have stormed the White House
I lived inside a lighthouse
It's on a scenic quay, it's, oh, so far away
Far away from the beginning, the shroud is made of linen
The goth kid has a hearse, the filly lost her purse

A nun is to church as the parrot is to perch
And my heart's wide open, truly

Leisure, a leisure suit is nothing
It's nothing to be proud of in this late century
And I'm asking you to hold me just like a morning paper
Pinched between your pointer, your index, and your thumb

It's a semi-automatic, believers are ecstatic
You see the way they cling, the cold metallic sting
And I'm living in a coma for Donna de Varona
The harness made of hopes, the lovers on the ropes

Earth-shaking, rattle-snaking
Kiwis are a home baking
Minds wide open, truly

Writer(s): Stephen Joseph Malkmus

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