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Neglect afraid to say
Repentance awaits
Rejected jaded decayed
A vengeance awaits

Behold the darkness true the light
The flame upon us soon ignites
The depth of solemn ones disdain
A yearning dread forever slaves

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Nie chcesz oglądać reklam? Ulepsz teraz

Punishment through time

Unfold the righteous soon ordained
Inside a tomb of souls disgraced
The depths of solemn tears disdain
Returning death into the grey

Punishment through time

You perceive your life and goals depressed
You conceal a crisis, souls repressed

Reaching out untied for sudden death

Neglect afraid to say
Repentance awaits
Rejected jaded decayed
A vengeance awaits

Writer(s): Nick Holmes, Greg Mackintosh

Nie chcesz oglądać reklam? Ulepsz teraz

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