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What's following me far too close to be seen?
My cutthroat friend, my kneejerk enemy?
Did you see my stone broke like a devotional tome?
Hushed and heavy as hell, it strikes a biblical toll

Ohhh, please stop the rock, ohhh
Ohhh, please stop the rock, ohhh

Kontynuacja tekstu utworu poniżej...

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And in then to a plausible beheading
Words can't save my neck, the axe has been written
A rock-broken back arched over pleasuring hands
Do you hear him come, the half-eaten shrub of a man
Good, be gone, man

Ohhh, please stop the rock, ohhh
Ohhh, please stop the rock, ohhh

Ohhh, please stop the rock, ohhh
Ohhh, please stop the rock, ohhh

Writer(s): Scott John Hutchison, Andy Monaghan, Simon David Liddel

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