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Nothing's changed
The senate's still corrupt
And the emperor remains insane

And every day
Is a new strain of slaughter
Supply lines are less protected
Evil on all sides

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I can smell the death on your flesh
Creeping in
Trapped within the twisting fingers of fear
And all I see is you
And all I see is you

That face, those eyes
Burning like leprosy
I can see you there
Poisoning the air
Prostituting nationalism

And I want to attack
To rip out your heart and lay your flat on your back
And vomit a world of agony and truth into your throbbing illness of memory

And hate guides our way
And hate guides our way

I long for the icy slap of a belt across my back
For the acceptance of death and blind cave war
The giving sleep of depression
The sweet elucidation of savage, meaningless aggression

Chiselled in the meaty forearms of Mother Jupiter and his slave disciples
In the harem tents, outside
Just beyond the edges, I ride
A cycloptic mirror into the fires of imagination

Feeding my disease
Feeding my disease
A river of plagues

I need something to remind me I am still sinning
That pain is important
That words matter
That healing is possible
That I am not alone in this

Guard the houses
Triple the watch
Maidens, dig up your sorcery
Sirens, sharpen your rocks

You will eat my pain again

Whatever you need
Whatever you need
Whatever you need

Unite messiah me!

Writer(s): Another Victory Songwriter

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